The Mommy Perfume! Oh la la!!

Have you ever wonder how they make perfumes. It’s a bunch of people in a room picking scents from jars and putting them together. For me, mommy perfume is a mix of all of the smells from your child that land on you. A couple of weeks ago as I showered I wonder if it wasn’t better just to “baby wipe” myself. I knew the moment I come out of the shower something dirty was going to land on me. As I got ready and got the baby from the crib, he spit up all over me.

She has the best baby perfume!!

So out I go out smelling of spit up covered up by baby wipes.

The third smell is a bit more “subtle” is the booger smell. If you haven’t noticed yet, smell a bit harder next time! Boogies have a life of their own, not only do they end up everywhere. On your kids, on your face, your hair, clothes, hands, whatever they can find to “clean themselves”. It is interesting that some women, including myself, long for these smells before we have kids and then they come and then we don’t really like them that much.

But as I sat in vomit last night, I kind of realized that the reason we don’t like the smells is because 2 out of 3 of them signal that your baby isn’t feeling well. That something is bothering them and you can’t fix it, the only thing you can do is suck it up, clean the mess and give your child as much love as you can. And that is what I did. As Gavin vomited all over mommy last night (2 nights in a row) I took my clothes off where he vomit, sat and just hugged him until he fell asleep. And he slept so good! I just wish I could be a bowl of magic medical powder that could cure all the illnesses. So the mommy perfume, is just that smell of baby bodily fluids that end up on you.

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