Star Wars Announcements from D23!

Last week, Disney had its D23 expo, a massive conference showcasing all of their fantastic productions in the works, like Toy Story 4, Gigantic, and “Star Wars Announcements from D23!”

Blogger Bash 2015 Recap!

There are tons of blogger conferences and events. Blogger Bash is by far, the most fun one I’ve been too. This year they stepped it up “Blogger Bash 2015 Recap!”

Lo Nuevo de Disney Parks para este Verano!!

¿Sabes todo lo nuevo que trae Disney Parks este verano?? Pues aquí les cuento. Para empezar la temporada empezará con el “Coolest Summer Ever” y “Lo Nuevo de Disney Parks para este Verano!!”

NY Toy Fair 2015- Top 10

Last week the New York Toy Fair of 2015 took place. Over 1,000 toy companies came and showcased their new toys for the year. Obviously “NY Toy Fair 2015- Top 10”